stop by for a miracle

In a fast rushing world, were silence seems to be running into extinction, there is a haven of rest reserved just for you in the arms of the creator. When business seems to rob you of your remaining strength and it almost squeezes out the last drop of your joy, turn your eyes upon Jesus.

He says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

In the midst of this restless clamoring world, it is possible to hear the still small voice of God speaking peace to your soul. So come on now, stop by for a miracle at Jesus’ feet!

Content and Context

There is a striking difference between content and context. In the case of human beings, crowned creatures wired to pursue nothing but the best, content will refer to the knowledge that is used to help us achieve that “best”. The context is us; Our cultural and religious beliefs, values, goals, fears, doubts and even choices.

In order to achieve the best that we never seem to get the best of, we need to begin by taming our context. Your context, and mine, will either help you to make the best of the knowledge that surrounds you or, it will gladly help you drown in it.

So in the case of success, whether in religion, business or academics, the problem is never really knowledge because knowledge is abundant, especially in the Information Age. The problem is usually the ideas that we have about the knowledge that surrounds us and how we use it.

“Before you can truly learn to be successful, you must first change your beliefs, thoughts, mindset… your context.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki. And to me, that is the hardest part of success.


In life there is no such thing as a break for those who wish to sail above the status quo. “Taking a break” in the life of a warrior is synonymous to “Quitting” which, I believe, is the same as “giving up”, or to make more clearer, FAILING.

The waste thing you can do as a warrior, in what ever army you serve, is to give up.

Life will never offer you breakfast in bed, nor will it find doors of opportunities for you to knock on. Life is tough, you need to work hard to have breakfast in bed. You will sometimes need to create your own doors of opportunity to knock on.

Life is an environment that only necessitates your survival. Life does NOT push you to survive. A warrior stays focused on the mission and accomplishes it.

It’s true that you need breath to survive. However, it is also true that you will need to press on for you to survive life’s rugged paths.

Stay strong. Stay courageous. Be a warrior. And don’t simply exist, live life. But never forget to live it according to your creator’s plans for you!



Mortal beings were created to replicate the order of the heavenly beings. While our nature may betray us and at one point or the other we may saturate our lives with horrific activities, the fact still remains that we only get utter satisfaction when we love.

Love is a mystery. Almost no human being can explain it. But whatever love is, I am sure it was meant to dwell in us.

But more satisfying love is that which does not live for itself but for others. Imagine a world were one man gives his life for the other. That world only begins with LOVE!

We need to reach a point in life where we are love sick. At that point, our hearts will never find rest until we see our neighbor smiling!



We all strive to attain perfection in every path of life we tread. But it is very important to realize that perfection is an art. Perfection does not drop from an unknown source into our lives. We become perfect by effort effort!



Patience is a virtue. When men learn to wait patiently as a great farmer waits patiently for the harvest, the world would be a far better place.

Opportunities have been lost solely because of impatience. When the automated teller machine indicated “Transaction in progress, please wait.” the impatient man lost the money because he walked away.

Sometimes it hurts being patient because often times you  may need to witness the death of your loved ones, the loss of property, the loss of your job or even friends. But being patient surely pays off well.

What would life be if we only acquired the good things and never learned to appreciate them through the rough roads that life leads us through. I want to suggest that even the most celebrated marriages would never be celebrated because in one way or the other, either the man or the woman needed to exercise painful patience to see the partner do things right!

Patience is a virtue!



The fact that we have all gone through excruciating pain at point or another in life can never be over-stressed. The truth is, pain has saturated our lives’ atmosphere. You can hardly spot out an individual that lives a life that has never been marred with tint of pain because pain is what embraces us and gives us a strange welcome when we are born.

We can never compare the pain individual ‘A’ is feeling to the pain that individual ‘B’ is experiencing because their situations are unique in their on way. Comparing one man’s pain to another is almost like giving a 5th grade school child an examination for a final year biochemistry student.

It not only is not fair, but it is humiliating simply because the two are in two different worlds. Each of them has their own unique abilities and they are able to handle examinations that match their abilities. The same principle applies to life struggles.

But must we be angry all the time because we are going through pain? or because our pain appears to our own mortal site to surpass all what other people are going through? Certainly not!

While pain is in itself a draw back because it sometimes has the ability to make us lay down our tools of work and cause us to swim in our own rivers of tears, I believe pain can be embraced. I believe the right attitude can be inculcated and we all can, at one point in our lives, live joyful lives even amidst the rushing winds of pain.

Being angry at everybody and everything that surrounds us does not solve the problem of pain. Instead, by laying down our tools we simply loose more time and we are at the risk of missing opportunities that would have been our windows of change to transform the wall picture of our lives.

Mourning over lost opportunities will simply bring more mourning. Because while you mourn, another opportunity passes you by and when you realize you have lost it too, you mourn even the more!




Have you ever questioned yourself about life and why it turned out to be the way it is now for you? Have you ever been so low that you seem not to have strength to approach your future because you have seen how much time you lost in the past?

Well, the truth is that we have all wasted a lot of time in the past. Whether it was intentional or circumstancial, the under-scoring fact is that we have lost time before. So how should we react to this malady? How must we treat ourselves after realizing that the time we have lost in the past is too much? My simple remedy, “Just stay focused!”

It does matter how much time you lost because it would have scaled you to a different level today. But it also matters what step you are going to take after realizing that fact.

We can not change the past but we can do someting in the present, today, that can change our future. The past is gone and let it not be your disouragement. Rather, let your past be your motivation. Let the past give you the reason why you are going to be successful!

The popular saying goes like this, “It’s not about the years in your life, it is about the life in your years.” For this reason, just stay focused and acomplish the much you can in your remaining life. When you die, you would have been more successful than you would have been if you stayed down mourning over lost opportunities!


one day at a time

I know life can be so distressing sometimes. The journey may get so tiring that quitting may seem to be the best option.

I know you are weighed down by sorrows today. I know you have been so disappointed that you wonder whether you are worth living.

It could be that you feel you are not living but simply existing.

I don’t know what you are feeling like today but I do know this; that there is a way out in whatever you are gong through!

Just give it time. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Remember that your success in not a road free from thorns and thistles. Just take it one day at a time and you will surely get there some day soon.